+1 (737) 701-3593

I am so excited to be able to offer these Personal Chef services!

I’ll tell you a little about myself,

I am passionate about healthy eating; I have been working in the health industry for around 18 years. I have two diplomas, one in advanced nutrition and the other in culinary arts. In 2013, I decided to become certified as a Health Coach and Community Health Worker so I could  be able to share in a more personalized way my experience within the industry and my own experience as a mother and woman who wants to be healthy, energetic, and who likes to eat and enjoy all the food groups and be happy. At my 46 years and 5 children (including a nice little surprise of 3 years, my daughter Lea) and thousands of battles fought, some won physically, emotionally, or financially, I am still very healthy and happy. Every day I enjoy it to the fullest and according to my acquaintances and loved ones, with a lot of energy. I want to go towards the golden age with great health and I want you to achieve it too and enjoy the process to the fullest. It should not be a sacrifice, but rather an adventure of flavor, color, and beautiful experiences.

How did this Healthy Personal Chef at home service come to be?

Exercising my career as a Health Coach and Community Health Worker in the healthy cooking and basic nutrition tutorials that I include in my programs, my patients and relatives were very fascinated with the recipes that I created for their healthy eating needs and I had the opportunity to meet people from different cultures. Many people, especially from the American market, asked me to cook weekly meals for them and for their special celebrations. That is how we grew exponentially, at those dinners there were guests and those guests were fascinated with my food. At each dinner or lunch we made, new clients contacted us and that was how this wonderful adventure arose which I call, color, flavor, and nutrition!

I am very excited to be able to help families eat healthy, be part of their health goals, and to be able to bring healthy and nutritious food prepared with love to their tables and be part of those special celebrations. How wonderful it’s that you can have healthy recipes on your table at the end of your work day and how fantastic it’s that when you have a celebration everyone is talking about the delicious and healthy food they enjoyed.

I hope I can serve you with love, commitment, and passion always